What Causes High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a common condition in which the force of your blood against the walls of the arteries eventually becomes so high that it may lead to several health issues. Research says that it is a lifestyle disease. Like if you are in the habit of sleeping late at night, waking up late in the mornings, or not doing exercise, yoga, or meditation to keep your health system at an ease, you are more prone to such problems. If you are suffering from this problem you can work out for high blood pressure treatment under the expert guidance of your doctor and strictly follow his or her prescribed daily routine. Continue reading to know more about various causes of developing high blood pressure over time, to take timely action, and keep this health issue at bay.

First and foremost is the unhealthy lifestyle. As we all grow up listening to a nursery rhyme… “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise”, but maybe due to the competitive environment, we are forced to work till late. We are prone to disturb our healthy lifestyle to such an extent that we ultimately end up surrounded by many health issues. So, work upon your lifestyle and make exercise, yoga, and meditation a part of it.

Then comes unhealthy diets. We have become fond of junk food instead of a healthy and balanced diet full of green vegetables and fruits. Junk food contains a very high amount of salt and is rich in fat, which ultimately leads to high blood pressure. So, avoid junk and switch to balanced diet plans to remain fit and healthy. Obesity is a leading cause of high blood pressure nowadays,

In most cases, it is found that if there is some medical family history of high blood pressure (hypertension), maybe if your father or mother has this problem then you are also prone to get it. Similarly, stressful conditions may also lead to a temporary increase in blood pressure. So we need to work on our environment as well to keep it stress-free. 

Other factors may include some chronic conditions associated with kidney and hormonal issues. Diabetes and high cholesterol are also a cause of hypertension. If high blood pressure is a result of some underlying disease it is called secondary hypertension. It appears suddenly because of underlying factors. 

So, to remain healthy you need to work on your weight, eat nutritional food, do enough exercise, do not drink too much alcohol or coffee, quit smoking, and sleep peacefully. Hence choose a healthy lifestyle over medical issues. If you feel the need for advice to live a healthy lifestyle to avoid health issues, you may visit Harish Jagtani Hospitals in Kinshasa, DR Congo. Harish Jagtani Hospitals in Kinshasa and at other locations in DRC offer services to ensure a person’s complete health, well-being, and comfort. Contact now to schedule an appointment. 



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